- Histone Acetyltransferases (HATs)

Histone Acetyltransferases (HATs)

Group HAT Species Function Substrates
Histone Transcription factors
GNAT Gcn5 Yeast to Human Transcriptional coactivator + +
PCAF Human Transcriptional coactivator + +
Hat1 Yeast to Human 遺伝子発現抑制 +
Elp3 Yeast to Human 転写伸長反応 +
Hpa2 Yeast unknown +
MYST Sas2 Yeast Silencing +
Sas3 Yeast Silencing +
Esa1 Yeast Cell cycle regulation +
MOF Drosophila 遺伝子量補正 +
Tip60 Human Apoptosis, DNA修復 + +
MOZ Human Transcriptional activation + +
MORF Human Transcriptional activation +
HBO1 Human DNA修復, 転写開始 +
p300/CBP p300 Mouse, Rat, Human Transcriptional activation + +
CBP C. elegans to Human Transcriptional activation + +
Nuclear receptors SRC-1 Mouse, Human Transcriptional activation +
ACTR Mouse, Human Transcriptional activation +
TIF2 Mouse, Human Transcriptional activation +
Transcription factors TAFII250 Yeast to Human Transcription factor, TBP-binding factor +
TFIIIC Human Transcription factor +
Nut1 Yeast to Human Transcription factor +


Sterner DE, Berger SL. Acetylation of histones and transcription-related factors. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 2000; 64: 435-59.

Marmorstein R, Roth SY. Histone acetyltransferases: function, structure, and catalysis. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2001; 11: 155-61.

Roth SY, Denu JM, Allis CD. Histone acetyltransferases. Annu Rev Biochem. 2001; 70: 81-120.